Living Healthier, Uncategorized

Thoughts on East vs. West

One of the books I’ve read on our cancer “journey” is Anticancer by David Servan-Schreiber.  This book was published in 2007 and became a best seller.  Dr. Servan-Schreiber was a research psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and author when he found out that he had a brain tumor at age 31.  Anticancer was the result of his research and belief… Read More Thoughts on East vs. West

Living Healthier, Uncategorized

Two recipes-one for him and one for me….post transplant

One of the many things post transplant patients face is a new way of looking at food.  The saying “eat to live, not live to eat” most definitely applies.  Not only is a transplant patient fighting new baby-like taste buds, he is also still dealing with the harsh chemo side effects which leave nausea, diarrhea,… Read More Two recipes-one for him and one for me….post transplant